Valerie could just be one of the cutest people I know. Seriously nice and friendly and sweet, all the time! I met Valerie when I worked over the past year as a "loaned executive" for the United Way of Linn County. Basically that meant that I got to go to businesses around the area and tell them all the wonderful things the United Way and their partner agencies do for the residents of Linn County. Easy Peasy!! Now she and husband David are expecting!
But first, I want to introduce you to Piper - their first baby :) I have a special place in my heart for my clients with wienerdogs, I can't help it! As a mother to two of my own, I think they can sense it, because Piper was a perfect angel, and wanted to be in every picture!!

Thanks for having me over - I can't wait to meet your new little guy - in less than a month!! Congratulations and see you soon! :)