On my walk last night, I walked by the house of Kambria Hunter from the
Boys and Girls Club of Albany. She was on her front porch, on the
phone. So I waved and kept walking. She yelled out my name and came
running towards me phone still on her ear. She finished her
conversation and asked if I would be available to shoot some pictures
at the club from 5-6 the next day. Of course I answered, anytime. OK,
she said - Chelsea Clinton will be getting there at about 5:00 and
could you take pictures of her visit? Um YEAH!
It turns out it was the Secret Service on the phone finalizing the details of the visit. How cool!!
I don't usually talk about politics to anyone other than my husband... but its an historic time in Oregon politics! For the first time in my life the Oregon primary actually "counts!" And we have had the traffic to prove it! Over the course of the past few weeks, our area has been visited by Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, John McCain and - just today - Chelsea Clinton.
She was on her way through through town and there happened to be a very special ribbon cutting at the club today! the new community garden is a partnership between the Boys & Girls Club and the Oregon State Extension Service, and today was the opening day!
She started with a tour of the facilities. This woman was awesome - she walked right up to Chelsea and said "I brought my daughter in today to meet you because I want to show her that there are other women to look up to other than Hannah Montana."
In the arts and crafts room this little girl showed Chelsea how to thread beads to make a bracelet:
After the ribbon cutting ceremony - all the kids gathered around to ask questions.
They ranged from Whats your favorite flavor of Ice Cream? and What is your favorite pet? To, Whats the difference between a governor and the president? and What should we do about global warming? I was so impressed with the kids!
At the end of the question and answer session Chelsea stayed around and signed every autograph and gave every hug that was asked for.
This guy didn't have any paper - so he asked her to sign his arm! :)
So - Oregonians - don't forget to turn in your ballot tomorrow!! Whomever you choose - exercise your rights as an American and turn in your ballot! Postmarks *don't* count! You have to physically turn it in, in person! I dropped mine off today behind the Linn County Courthouse, but you can see an entire list of Linn County drop off locations here: Ballot Drop Boxes