Who needs a fan when you have the Oregon Coast! Weather is an issue here every. single. day. I have found that if I reschedule for weather I would never work, at least not here! lol Whether it's rain or just plain wind, there is adventure every day in capturing images my clients will love no matter what! Wind however is one of the most challenging aspects of living on the Oregon Coast. I love it - it adds texture and dimension to hair and clothes - why do you think they always have them pointed at models in magazines and on the runway? It is harder to deal with real life swirling wind as the "model." It can sometimes be frustrating, and that does show through the camera sometimes. Katelynn however totally went with it! So long as your face is showing joy - I can deal with the windblown hair.
And there is nothing wrong with straight up holding your hair down. LOL Way to rock it Katelynn! Check out more from her wind blown Senior Session >>>HERE<<<