My main website: is going to be getting a major overhaul - I hope it will be complete by the end of this weekend. If you are looking for more information and the main page is down - please email me and I can provide you with whatever you need - cardasphotography @ (the angela@ email is tied to the website being up or down, so keep that in mind) or give me a call any time - 541-936-2755
Also on that note - my husband and I are making the annual holiday pilgrimage to my family's places in Northern California. I will be out of town from Wednesday evening to Sunday evening. Most of you know I am never far from my computer - but you never know about connections and such. I will try to return all correspondence as quickly as possible.
I hope you have a very happy Thanksgiving - I will be stuffed on Thursday and up at the crack of dawn on Friday I'm sure! I'm sorry to be missing the Fred Meyer sock sale! I know my mother in law will make up for my absence though! :) Happy Thanksgiving!
<3 Angela